Thursday, May 6, 2010

Photography - Getting Exposure

Did you like the play on words in the title. I did. So for many years now I have been dabbling in photography and this year I took a leap and dove right in. I finally spent the money and bought a wonderful prosumer level Nikon D90 DSLR. For the record I love my Nikon. Feature rich, easy to work with and it really does make photography fun.

Now with that out of the way let me get to the real reason you are reading this.
Because I want to increase my exposure. I started a local business called Odyssey Photography in Saint John, NB. We have a WordPress site, a facebook fan page and some listings on ebay for a couple of our favorite prints. I am listing these links below and I hope you find them useful and wonderful.

On our Wordpress blog you will find, Daily stories, photography tips, what we are working on currently and our Print that we are offering for sale.

WordPress Blog
(This is our main site right now) -

Facebook Fan Page.

our current ebay listings

David Sullivan
Odyssey Photography
506 608 2418
wow have I ever been slacking on this blog. That was over a year ago. I week later, March Friday the 13th 2009, to be exact. I realized that was going nowhere. I also met another wonderful lady that has changed my life. We went for breakfast that life altering morning and have never looked back. We have been together for over a year at this point. We have faced some simple demons and some not so simple trials. We have had good times and bad times. We have lived, laughed and loved. Above all else we decided that together we want to make it work. We both brought our baggage and together we are helping each other sort it all out. One day at a time no matter what may come.

It's not easy choosing to make it work. Many people glide around hoping things work. That approach doesn't work for everyone. We live in such an age that we have access to so much information. There is no reason for us not to understand how people work. People are not Machines. We have a physical side, mental logical side and a mental emotional side. In most cases these 3 sides are never in equal balance. More often, than not our emotional side overrides our logical and physical sides. We need to be aware of this and ready. The resulting static electricity or stress is deadly for relationships surviving on pure luck.

Many people don't realize that people suffering from any form of imbalance often can't control their own feelings. However if they have uncontrollable feelings, they must be responsible to get help and to start the process of becoming responsible and accountable.

These are the lessons I have learned in the last year.
I hope this helps anyone that reads it.

Stress and clinical depression are running rampant in our society today.
Everyone should research these topics and become aware of how they present.
More than ever people need to be educated on the root problems.

Once you know what you are dealing with the rest becomes reasonable.

Continuing the Odyssey
David Sullivan

The man that makes all the dough around here!

The man that makes all the dough around here! Hey there, folks! I've got a little story to share with you, and it's all about the br...