Friday, March 3, 2023

Music and its Manipulative Power


David A.A. Sullivan

     Music has the ability to connect with our emotions and impact our heart rate in ways that are often  beyond our control. From the calming sound of classical music to the fast-paced beat of hip hop, the effects of music on our minds and bodies are profound. However, the music industry has also used this power to manipulate us, through various marketing strategies that appeal to our primal instincts.

     One of the most powerful ways music can impact us is through its connection to our emotions. It is no secret that music has the ability to evoke feelings of sadness, joy, anger, and relaxation. However, what is often overlooked is how music is used to tap into our sense of identity and belonging. Popular music, for example, frequently uses commonly believed narratives to appeal to different groups based on sex, sexuality, age, generations, and more. These narratives are designed to create a sense of "us versus them" among listeners, leading them to feel a sense of connection to the music and the community it represents.

     This connection is further strengthened by the use of marketing strategies that appeal to our primal instincts. The music industry is notorious for using catchy hooks, choruses, and collaborations to create music that is instantly appealing to the listener. Music videos are also created to appeal to a specific audience, often featuring provocative imagery and messages that are designed to resonate with the viewer. Additionally, sponsored product mentions in popular music have become increasingly common, influencing listeners to buy products associated with their favorite artists.

     The use of these marketing strategies is not without its ethical concerns. For one, the creation of music that is designed solely for commercial purposes can be seen as exploitative. Additionally, the use of sponsored product mentions in popular music blurs the line between art and commerce, leading to questions about the integrity of the music and its message.

     In conclusion, music is a powerful medium that can evoke a wide range of emotions and affect our heart rate. Its connection to our sense of identity and belonging, coupled with the use of marketing strategies, has made it a potent tool for manipulation. As consumers, it is important to be aware of these strategies and to question the motives behind the music we listen to. Only then can we truly appreciate music for what it is – an art form that has the power to move us in ways we never thought possible.

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