Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Richard Benefit Poker Tournament

Congratulation to Jason Richard, family and friends for hosting a wonderful poker tournament at Bow Ties in Saint John on Sunday 9th Feb 2008

I had a terrific time and met some of the nicest people I have ever met.

Count me for more tournaments my friend

So I took a few pictures and though I should post them here.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I can remember in high school when teachers had us complete a series of tests to help us decide what career paths we should pursue.

Funny as this may seem; my scores in high school were the exact opposite of what they are now. I am quite impressed with how accurate these test have become.

My key point here is that these test tell us what we are better suited for with our current experience and aptitudes. They don't tell us what we will be good at later.

I hope that we age like fine wines. Developing our flavors and colors as we get older. The more exposure I have had to the business world the more rounded and capable I have become. Back in high school I was told I should be a teacher or a priest. Now being the programmer / Analyst that I am, I was impressed to see the results that you see in the image above.

I have a deep rooted love for working with people, leading, managing and technology. Seems to fit the profile I would say.

*** You're always better off knowing a little about yourself and a lot about who you WANT to be.
Set goals, dream big.Believe you will be and it will come true.

The man that makes all the dough around here!

The man that makes all the dough around here! Hey there, folks! I've got a little story to share with you, and it's all about the br...